Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Vote – Both a Right and a Responsibility

The date for the presidential election is getting closer and the candidates are getting ready to launch their campaigns. This presidential election is going to be a very crucial one as it would decide, to a certain extent, the future of political system in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is going through a very crucial phase of its history and the upcoming election is the most crucial aspect in this phase. It is necessary that Afghan people must participate in the election and play their role in electing a president whom they think worthy to rule the country in such an important phase of their history.

It is also imperative to understand that the people of Afghanistan just do not have to vote but they have to vote responsibly. Vote is their right and, at the same time, their responsibility. Casting vote irresponsibly is as bad as not casting a vote, and the responsible way of casting vote is to vote for someone who is considered capable enough, without biased decision, to lead the country properly.

Casting vote to someone on the basis of blood relation, communal attachments, sectarian considerations, or greed of money or benefits is a blunder and the political circumstances and history would never forget such a blunder.

It is necessary for the people to listen to the presidential candidates during their campaigns and try to understand their motto and their understandings of the political scenario and also their will and determination to work for the people. Though, almost all the candidates declare that they have the will and determination to work for the people, only a few would have such a consideration in real sense. At the same time the candidates would also strive to utilize the sentiments of the people and convince them to vote for them. However, the people of Afghanistan must understand all these tactics and they must go for the candidates who have comprehensive understanding of the socio-political scenario; who have political background and have not been involved in corruption and violations.

Emotions can only lead the people astray. It is necessary that people must use their gumption and their reasoning power. All the human beings are blessed with active senses and sane minds; therefore, it is necessary the people of Afghanistan must make use of these blessings and prove to the world that they have real attachment with their country and they have the capability to welcome development and progress with open arms.