Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

UlsamaTurkey; the Development and Democracy Model

Later than the Turkey's ruling Justice and Development (AK) party won the recent parliamentary elections, the usual question over whether Islam was consistent with the development and democracy, once again, arose globally. The burning question has remained contentious. The disagreeing groups have mostly pointed at annals created by Islamic governance in the course of history and the fundamental Islamic teachings that, they say, represent clear contradictions between Islam and democracy. So have done the supporters, insisting that the Islamic teachings imply democratic principles. The exemplary models for compatibilists have been certain Islamic countries ruled by democratic patterns, at the top of which stands Turkey. Many moderate Islamist groups have acknowledged Turkish reconciliatory approach to democracy. Bulk of the protestors in the Arab world has envisioned a Turkish modal process for the developmental and political changes in their homelands.

An opinion poll by a leading Turkish think-tank had said that majority of people in key Middle East nations see Turkey as a model and a proof that Islam and democracy can co-exist peacefully. The survey had found that 66 percent of people in several key parts of the region saw Turkey as a successful model for development. Turkey's high-profile diplomacy, its successful economy and its drive for new markets have made it an increasingly significant actor in the regional and global politics and economy. It is little wonder that so many pundits have taken to talking up a "Turkish model" as a way forward for many countries in the Muslim World. It is also no surprise that Mr. Erdogan is brimming with confidence. The current turmoil may have strained ties with allies and led to a mass influx of refugees but Turkey sees the Arab uprisings as an opportunity to showcase its successful marriage of Islam with democracy. And it has, to a great extent, proved the idea.

Turkey has also been acknowledged as an appropriate solution builder for the decades-long Arab-Israeli conflict and the regional disputes. In her 6-decades history, Israel has always been in conflict with its Arab neighboring countries and the Muslim world. International attempts have been made to ease tensions and help the peace negotiations prove productive but not much has been achieved so far. For years, Turkey has functioned significantly in the Middle Eastern issues and is increasingly partaking to bring about a diplomatic solution for conflicts going on in M.E.

Seeking an answer for the critical circumstances in the region, European countries have frequently asked Turkey to make a move on. Considering its productive stance and its capacity to improve interstate relations, Turkey has been making all-out efforts to bring about stability in the region and hinder further decline of relations among regional countries. With further cooperation and endeavors, Turkey will realize the vision of a great solution builder and a Muslim democracy model for the so many protesting groups across the Arab world.