Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Unpromising Negotiation

The mere negotiation between Syrian and opposition delegation is a step forward for three years long conflict in Syrian, but the gap is too wide to a give space for any promising signs. While oppositions are following an agenda for a transitional government in which President Bashar al-Assad has no role, President Bashar al-Assad previously made it clear that he has no intention to step down rather he will take part in next presidential election. As a member of Syrian National Coalition’s delegation member said, “We came here with the intention of discussing a transitional governing body and they came with the intention of consecrating Bashar Assad’s presence”.

The chief UN mediator Lakhdar Brahimi expressed frustration over inflammatory public remarks by the two sides as he sought to identify some less-contentious issues in hopes of achieving any progress at all at the bargaining table. “There are no miracles here,” he said, adding that both sides nevertheless appeared to have the will to continue the discussions. The White House spokesman Jay Carney also said on Monday that the US was realistic about how difficult this was going to be, but they were completely convinced that this was the only way forward for Syria, and that’s through negotiations. “What’s important is that the two parties have sat in the same room over the past several days to discuss critical issues. And this process is ongoing. And I would expect quite a few ups and downs along the way,” he added.

Meanwhile the government has not agreed to allow humanitarian aid convey to besieged areas under the control of oppositions however it agreed to let women and children to evacuate the areas, the thing which it was doing earlier too. Government tries to make armed groups yield against harsh hunger. The policy has been successful in particular areas. The policy intend to close the financial, logistic and lethal support to armed groups on the one hand and on the other hand, increase civil dissent with rebels.

Hence, the government fears that if it allows the humanitarian aid to besieged areas, rebellions may not face the problem and will continue fighting soldiers. Moreover, individuals who are negotiating do not represent visible part of groups fighting the government. Even if they reach to a conclusion which looks unrealistic presently, the country’s dilemma would be ended.