Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Three Children Die in Kunar Rocket-Shelling

According to the media reports, three children were killed and many other members of the same family sustained injuries as result of the rocket-shelling from Pakistan inside the Kunar province. According to the provincial governor’s spokesperson, this sad incident happened on the night of Tuesday when rockets were fired from Pakistan side of border. A rocket landed on a house which resulted in the death of three children while many other members of the same family sustained injuries. Kunar is one of the restive states of the country that shares its borders with Pakistan. Before this as well, there has been several incidents of rocket-shelling from Pakistan side. In these incidents, mostly the innocent civilians became targets as these rockets were fired without any specific target and were aimed to create terror in the area. There are also reports of the infiltration of terrorists and extremist militants from Pakistan side that resulted in the unstable law and order situation in the area.

These attacks were condemned by government officials and members of civil society. In the past as well, there has been great hue and cry against these attacks as they targeted the neutral and innocent citizens. But it is unfortunate that our government has not taken any concrete action in this regard in order to safeguard the lives of its citizens. Many times, meetings were held with Pakistani officials and the attacks were condemned but all these resulted in the temporary halt of the attacks but they never resulted in a stable and permanent solution.

On the other hand, Pakistan absolutely denies these attacks and regards them the attacks of terrorists. It is claimed that when terrorists are followed and attacked inside Afghan border, they hide in public places and these incidents happen. This also shows the inability of our border security forces to stop the infiltration and easy movement of terrorists from the other side of the border. These terrorists not only enter the Afghan soil but also launch their attacks on different targets inside the country.

It is necessary that a full-fledged investigation of these attacks should be conducted and if Pakistani forces were found responsible to the attacks, it should be brought into the knowledge of concerned Pakistani authorities and protest should be made on political grounds. For this purpose, UN can be contacted to make a neutral investigation of the issue and it can also be made to intermediate and take necessary action. If this work was not done properly and our government did not show any kind of seriousness in this regard, the situation will persist resulting in the death and injuries of our innocent citizens.