Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Tensions between Kabul and Washington

The release of 37 Taliban prisoners from Bagram prison has led to tension between Kabul and Washington. The US officials consider these prisoners dangerous and have condemned the ordered release of the militants. According to NATO, 40% from 88 prisoners were involved in deadly attacks which led to the death of 57 Afghan National Army (ANA) and civilians and the other 30% had a hand in terrorist attacks which led to the death and injuries of 60 American soldiers. On his part, the Afghan President’s spokesman announced that America has no right to interfere in the political decision of Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, 11 prisoners were released from Helmand prison by President Karzai’s decree and the prison terms of 58 others were decreased.

The militant prisoners are released while the security situation is in question and Taliban insurgents have multiplied their deadly attacks. According to recent reports, twin attacks took place on Sunday in Kabul, which led to more than a dozen death and injuries, including a young Afghan journalist. An Improvised Explosive Device (IED) led to the death and injuries of 18 civilians in Helmand province on late Sunday. A policeman joined Taliban groups after shooting five of his fellows to death. Twelve civilians lost their lives in Ghorband Valley. Last week, five athletes were murdered in Laghman province in Taliban attack. Four Afghan soldiers were killed in a suicide bombing in Ghazni province on Wednesday. Three family members were killed in Kabul in an explosion on Wednesday. Four Afghanistan Public Protection Force (APPF) personnel were injured in Herat province by Improvised Explosive Device (IED) on Wednesday. In short, the casualty tolls are on increase in daily suicide bombings and terrorist attacks. 

Whereas, President Karzai has repeatedly accused American Forces of killing Afghan civilians in air strike. He further suspects America to be involved in the deadly attack of Lebanese restaurant. Karzai said in a recent news conference that US action is as “rival” not as a “friend”. He further said that the security of Afghanistan is in the hand of America and Pakistan which was later denied by US Ambassador in Afghanistan. President Karzai added that America is helping by giving millions of dollars to a group and bombs to another group.

As a reaction to President Karzai’s statements, America says that the accusations are made after the release of Taliban prisoners. Moreover, America criticizes President Karzai’s double-dealing attitude toward the Taliban. Consequently, Karzai condemns the terrorist attacks and on the other hand releases Taliban militants.

Clearly, signing Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) has changed into a most controversial issue between Kabul and Washington. NATO General Secretary, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, warns that if the BSA does not get signed, Afghanistan will face an interruption in support from foreign countries. He adds that Afghan leader should not ignore the negative impact of refusing to sign the security pact. Whereas, President Karzai says that Afghanistan will not succumb to foreign pressure.