Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Realization is the Key

The first step to move towards improvement and betterment is to realize that improvement is really needed. If there is a nation that is engulfed in problems, it is necessary that it must first of all realize that it is in problems; it should feel dissatisfied with the situation and must comprehend that something needs to be done to make the situation better. Otherwise, it would be impossible to come out of any sort of trouble.

The Afghan nation, as well, has been troubled by various problems but unfortunately there have not been efforts to solve those problems. There is not any sort of urge or the motivation to take steps towards solution. The people, on most of the occasions, even do not realize that they need to do something to curb the situation. Such negligence and insensitivity have basically become a part of their nature and the problems have become a part of Afghan social setup.

For example, the issue of the drug addiction that has surrounded Afghan society does not seem to be troubling the people and they have started living with it. They do not realize that drug addiction is influencing their health and at the same time giving birth to so many other social issues as well. Drugs, instead, are used as medicine and even children are given drugs to treat them from pain. While, the government, at the same time, remains negligent; it just pays lip service and thinks that the country would live even with the issue of addiction without any major difficulty.

Same is the reaction towards the problem of corruption. It has penetrated deep within Afghan society and is eating the pillars of the setup like termites; however, there is no serious reaction towards it. Bribery, injustice and biased decision making have become part of the routine. People are not indifferent towards them and they have kept on flourishing.

Then there are some other major problems as well, like illiteracy and religious extremism and the people do not realize that they are really problems; therefore, they do not strive to eliminate them and emancipate themselves. It is really important that people in Afghanistan must recognize that they are not in the best of socio-political circumstances and they require to change so many aspects of life in order to have better living conditions; not only for themselves but for the generations to come, as well.