Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Taliban – A Point of conflict between US and Afghanistan

A survey by the Pew Research Center, Washington, has found that, in all, 52 per cent of American feels that the nation’s military has “mostly failed “in achieving their goals in Afghanistan. Conversely, less than 40 per cent felt the mission had been successful.

After the 9/11 attack, the U.S. launched a heavy operation against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan as a backlash, which led to the fall of the regime. The heavy bombarding by American’s giant jets shocked the ragtag militants. On the surface, it seemed that was the end; the Taliban melted away after nominal resistance. But was that the end of the Taliban?

They re-grouped successfully after this and then the fatwa of jihad was issued. They were trained in madrasahs and continued to attract and brainwash children for internal jihad in Afghanistan.

Morover, Taliban were rearmed and used as political pawn by several outside countries, who provided money and built up religious extremism. This has prolonged the militancy in Afghanistan. The hesitation of the insurgents ended and they were encouraged to take actions against US and Afghan forces. Taliban were made ready to carry out suicide bombings.

Taliban militants and Al-Qaeda gradually changed to a great threat to the Afghan and US forces. Acts of terror such as suicide bombings, bomb blasts, and other deadly attacks were launched by Taliban leading to the deaths of hundreds of Afghan police, civilians and US forces. Sometimes major conflicts between Taliban and US-led Afghan soldiers took place in some parts of the country such as in Marja District of Helmand province, Kandahar, Oruzgan, etc.

In the meantime, this issue continues to arouse trilateral mistrust among US, Afghan officials and the Afghan nation. Perhaps, some separate deals were taking place behind the scene with Taliban.

Today, the mistrust between Karzai’s government and US officials is at its peak. To American’s chagrin, President Karzai has released Taliban prisoners from Bagram prison, in spite of their being marked dangerous by US officials. The Afghan President has pointed a finger at the United Sates’ policy in Afghanistan. He called America a “rival”, but Taliban are termed as “brothers”

Recently, it is reported that President Karzai is engaged in secret peace negotiation with Taliban!

The fact is that, during the last decade terrorism and militancy remain as serious as before. Neither American nor Afghan forces could root out insurgencies from the country. Our insecurity has increased in recent days. Therefore, the success of US soldiers is under question by citizens in America itself.