Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Rule of Law Comes First

Purposeful executive, vigilant legislature, justice serving judiciary and compliant media are organs of central importance to a vibrant state. Having been blessed by a pragmatic leadership, both the quantity and size of problems intervening the rate of progress, subsides. It should be learned that quantity of material possession decides not the rate and span of collective triumph but the number of well learned and cognizant men do. Greater the number of eligible citizens, greater will be optimistically contributing individuals to play their part in upbringing of the country out of multifaceted crisis. These only crystallize given that the supremacy of rational laws and merits are withheld.

After a decade long period of rule, the government couldn’t avert the escalating graph of despondency. Neither the rule of law, administrative accountability enforced nor elimination of social ills, terrorism and corruption materialized. However, the politics of allegation and counter allegation was well exercised and worth observing. Sometimes foreigners rendered the subject of evil practices sometime international community. High ranked public officials senior politicians involved in bank scandals and corruption, Taliban involved in sever human rights violation, were not brought to book seem not to be government’s concern or priority.

Afghanistan is in dire need of socio-political assistance and training official in all fields of human endeavors. Any country extending selfless services must be warmly received. Formerly United States pledged to remain committed to Afghanistan on issues related to illicit drugs and rule of law post 2104. The government of Afghanistan instead of relying on international community must work out genuine means tackling maintenance of law and devise legitimate and standard procedure of prosecution. The US official stressed the strategy must address alternative development, eradication, investigation, interdiction, prosecution, incarceration and then the so-called soft-side programs of awareness, treatment and rehabilitation.

Despite countless challenges left to the new government to face, rule of law will be the biggest problem pleading immediate attention. The presidential contenders pledging assurances of betterment will work only when tangible measures are taken. Afghanistan cannot develop without law and order. The government must enforce rules that will make it possible for them to live together without conflict. There is a documented existence of law and with negligible application or it finds prejudicial application. Seeing the worsened state of affairs sometimes one reaches to conclusion that “might is right and haplessness is curse”. In our beloved country, seemingly, the militants and none-state actors have grown to an extent that easily evades the loosely held net of law and order and turn triumphant.