Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Entrenched Domestic Violence Must be Curtailed

The unchecked and socially accepted heavy dose of baseless biases and discrimination socially transmitted to the upcoming generation is aggravating the state of affairs of our beloved county widening the rifts. The exploitation and suppression of inferior section of the society is deemed once innate right rendering beyond jurisdiction of the state to question the violators. The excruciated echoing miseries of hapless people intimates the dictum, might is rights, perfectly matches the state of ill-governance and indifference of ruling elites, in this piece of land reversing the state of affairs. Women devalued, socially ill-treated on flawed findings of deep rooted cultural and gender biases, knocked them out of socio-political endeavors. Thus they are highly restricted to effectively contribute in the joint uplift of the country. Even laws providing them minimal socio-economic safeguards are revised in the bid to leave them to endless sufferings, reflects the entrenched degree prejudices.

Reportedly another law suggesting safe evasion to perpetrators of domestic violence awaits endorsement before Karzai relative to which international community and humanitarian organization displayed high concern. The law after ratification from both houses of parliament is expected to be sent to the president for final signature into law within weeks.  If signed, the law will bar judicial authorities from questioning the relatives of a criminal defendant, effectively silencing victims of domestic violence. The widespread domestic violence mostly befalling in the presence of relatives, if a law restricts interrogating relatives the justice will never be served given the victim is denied protection from being threatened to observe silence.

Formerly a global civic network, Avaaz, said that more than 179,000 people had sent President Karzai personal messages, asking him not to sign the new draft into law. The director of Avaaz cautioned the president would not sign the bill into law unless rectified –the stance depicting his seriousness about building a more secure future for Afghanistan and bequeathing a legacy worth following. More than a million people around the globe have signed a petition, urging President Hamid Karzai to reject a proposed law that protects perpetrators of domestic violence, child abuse, forced marriage and marital rape.

Out of hundreds of thousands of messages to President Karzai collected by Avaaz, a six year old girl narrated the tale of being tortured, burned third degree and sexually assaulted by the son of her host family where she had been sent to recover from starvation. She unearthed the heart wrenching story she came across until supported by a person who helped getting her off the perpetrators to justice. She requested President not to bar the testimony of the only possible witnesses’ that gives carte-blanche to torturers and violators of the crime. President Karzai must pay an immediate attention reversing the draft proposal from being enforced to law and ruled any such possibility.