Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Fear about Increasing Violence

The fearing prospective of Egypt heading downward to fall into Jihadists violence has terrified the government and its supporters. During last few weeks, several deadly attacks carried out, including downing a military helicopter and killing all its five crew, by militants has stoked worries that the country may also follow the similar steps.

Since the oust of elected Islamist President Mohammad Morsi, the militants, Ansar Beit al-Maqdas, have escalated attacks on security officials and facilities. Ansar Beit al-Maqdis first arose in the Sinai Peninsula, where for years militant groups largely made of up local Bedouin had carried out attacks, firing rockets into neighboring Israel and at times opening fire on military and police.

But attacks have escalated tremendously in response to ouster of President Morsi by military in July 3.  In recent weeks, Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri in his latest message urged Egyptians to join the fight against the man who removed Morsi, army chief Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi.

It is said that the string of messages suggested the group is getting help from groups which are closely linked to al-Qaeda such as Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, and the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria, a former Al-Qaeda branch fighting in both countries. In a recording last month, the leader of Ansar Beit al-Maqdis Abu Osama al-Masri saluted the Islamic State, a sign of its influence with his group.

No doubt, Egypt has been the spiritual capital of Islam and Al-Cairo Islamic university is one of the oldest Madressahs in Islamic world. For hundreds of years, Muslims across the globe have listened to what the dean of the university, by de facto a highest religious scholar has been saying. Despite new radical movement which originated from world-wide call for revival of Islam, the Egyptian religious scholars played the main role in providing a theoretical basis for the new movement which generally had roots in humiliation feelings brought about by encounter to western civilization.

So, despite deep roots of political Islam in the country, on one hand militants did not like to inflame a domestic violence and on the other hand government did not give the chance to maneuver inside the country. The theory of Egyptian theologians were put in practice in the rest of Islamic countries but remained quite unpopular among Egyptians themselves. Now it is feared that after years of silence, the Islamists go for similar violence engulfed numbers of government in Muslim countries in Egypt. Of course such turn would be tragic and disastrous for the country.