Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Taliban, Responsible for Violence

United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) said in latest report last Saturday that the graph of civilian casualties once again moved upward in 2013 from declining mode in 2012. Its data showed 14 percent increase in comparison to previous year---2,959 dead and 5,656 were injured. The report also branded the IEDs used by militants widely as the biggest murderer of Afghan civilians. High level of ground engagement is counted as the second biggest causes of civilian casualties. It also reflects that Taliban are responsible for over 70 percent of casualties, pro-government forces 11 and ground engagement of Afghan security forces with militants across the country for 10 percent.

By far and large, the report clearly indicates that activities of Taliban militants are the principle cause of civilian casualties. They still act irresponsible and care least about innocent women and children who have nothing to do with the ongoing insurgency war. Indeed, the report reminds of a video clip leaked to internet about how suicide bombers are trained. It is asked in suicide bombings innocent people also lose lives, so, what happens to them? Seemingly, the trained responds that all those who are killed, like the suicide bomber, will head directly towards paradise. So, who wouldn’t want to take some Muslims with himself to paradise?

Hence, obviously the only thing that does not bear any importance for militant is death of civilians. They have carried out suicide bombings in public areas. They also devise bombs at highways which generally trap civilians’ vehicles. Often they also drag civilians out of the car and drive them stray and finally cut their heads on account of naïve and unauthentic information of their cooperation with Afghan government.

Despite all such abhorrent activities, individuals within and out of the system try their best to scapegoat the violence. They claim that there are many other groups who want to defame Taliban by carrying out such barbaric activities. But never think what actually they are saying? Do they really think Taliban militants have any fame that can be spoiled? When they were in power, they committed massacre and displayed one of the most obnoxious dictatorship in twenty first century. Why now murder of civilians contradict the basic philosophy of Taliban?

Some others also acquit them from another prospective. They are in view that spectacular attacks are out of capacity of Taliban. They could succumb all Jihadi forces in 90’s; thus, are not they able to plan a suicide bombing at the center of Kabul city?

Therefore, instead of making illusionary picture of Taliban, it is better to accept what kind of group actually we are dealing with? Acceptance of the reality indeed can draw a roadmap for future policies.