Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Election Campaign and Responsible Spending!

In this frigid season, when the doubt about the future of the country has brought to a standstill almost all the fields of life, long-awaited activities of election campaign have acted as a fresh blood in the feeble body of our economy. The delays in the signature of BSA deal and rumors of return of Taliban and other militant powers after the exit of international security forces till the end of this year has almost jammed movement in every field of life. It was especially the case with the economy which is suffering with the lack of investment and other expansionary activities. As both internal and external investments have almost frozen and the investors are much confused as to invest or not when the future of country seems to be unclear, economy has slowly started shrinking. This damage has mostly been caused by the delays on the signature of BSA deal. Had this deal been signed on time, people could have regained their confidence and economic activities could have started with a new spirit.

Anyhow, these days, we see that presidential election campaigns have brought a new blood into the body of our economy. Billboards are full of the advertisements, brochures and flyers are being printed and distributed and television channels are fully occupied to give more and more coverage to the candidates. It is one of the blessings of democracy that election campaigns play an important role in transmitting the true message of candidates to the masses. At the same time, it plays its role in bringing new life to the economy of the country. In countries like the United States, where billions of dollars are spent on election campaigns, election campaigns bring a new series of enhanced economic activities in the country from which all the people get benefitted.

With every passing year, democracy is strengthening its roots in the country and so are the blessings that it encompasses. It is a good sign that our candidates are using democratic means to convince the people about their plans and abilities in smoothly running the country. It is also a matter of great joy and pride that our democratic organs and institutions are getting stronger with every passing day. However, our candidates may make the good use of this money for some other constructive purposes as well. Increasing poverty and poor access of people for quality education are some of the burning issues that need the immediate attention and assistance of those who are in position of bringing any positive change in this regard. The activities of elections may be a chance to win some hearts along with their votes.