Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Democratic Values Should be Practiced

The campaigns of the presidential candidates have started and the beginning of their campaigns has been positive to certain extent – they have kept in consideration political ethics and democratic practices. However, still there are many days to go and they have to maintain the similar type of attitude or even better.

One of the most important things that the candidates have to keep in mind is the ethical values. They do not have to get personal with one another and should not strive to annihilate one another’s personality though it seems very much difficult in Afghanistan as politics revolves around the personalities here. Nonetheless, the candidates have to strive to target each other’s policies and mottos. They have to dominate one another on the basis of better understanding of socio-political scenario not on the basis of personality traits. It is basically the policies of the candidates that would be important regarding the future of Afghanistan and the political developments.

Moreover, candidates have to keep in consideration that they must invigorate national integrity. They do not have to utilize the issues that can generate any sort of hatred among the different ethnic groups living in the country. The candidates may try such a thing in order to gain the favor of a particular ethnic group; however, such an act would really prove to be detrimental for the peace and stability in the country.

It is really imperative to note that the election process, from campaigning to the voting and the announcement of results, can play a very important role regarding the evolution of democracy in the country. The ongoing atmosphere of campaigning and the coming elections can also be helpful for Afghanistan to develop the democratic values; therefore, the candidates must utilize the opportunity to avail such a development. They have to teach the people that vote is their right and at the same time their responsibility; therefore they have to use it sensibly and for the people whom they think would be useful for the country, not on the basis of their biases. They have to teach the people that they need to participate in the campaigns, listen to the candidates and analyze their views with scrutiny and afterwards make final decision. People are to be taught that they have to stand for their views, let the people know what they feel and what they want and most importantly express their will willfully.