Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Lack of Accountability against Corruption

Now that the term of this government is coming to an end and new government along with its chief and ministers will take the charge and replace the old machinery of government, the lack of accountability in the mechanism of government has emerged as a main question. During the reign of President Karzai, there were so many good works but it is also a fact that massive corruption, nepotism, administrative incompetency and many other defaming issues did not let the true benefits of international funding and donations reach the common public. Starting from the president till the small office-holders of government, all the members of government were blamed of corruption and other illegal and inappropriate practices in the government. It would be unfair if the head of state, i.e. the President is blamed for every big and small problem in the country. There were so many conditions that were out of the control of president like strong tribal elders and business mafia chiefs. In the same way, the ministers were also very strong at their place and they could have not been controlled by anyone.

In last ten years, billions of dollars were wasted in corruption and different lucrative posts in government were allotted on the basis of personal relations and bribery. It was the reason why, large sum of money aimed for the development of country were wasted and the benefits of international assistance were not achieved. The miseries of common public increased and this increased their hopelessness from the democratic setup and its organs. While on the other hand, very limited number of people were successful in accumulating large sums of money. With this, they were able to buy luxurious properties both inside and outside the country.

Now that the term of this government has come to an end, it is feared that all the ministers and high-ranked officials, who used their positions to benefit themselves and relatives and harmed the country, would be able to escape without any accountability and there would not be any kind of question regarding their corruption and other illegal activities. In such circumstances, we badly feel the absence of any strong organ of government that should ask them about their wrong acts and take necessary actions against them. The only hope lies with the judiciary of the country that can take action in this regard. If we cannot punish them, at least government should be able to collect back some part of their illegal money which would definitely be in millions and would be very useful for the feeble economy of the country.