Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Maintaining Peace and Tranquility

Peace is the desire of every nation. Every nation that wants to progress and develop must have peace prevailing in all aspects of life. However, achieving and maintaining peace has not proved to be a very easy task in today’s world. There are so many conflicts and clashes that erupt and give rise to wars and killings and eliminate peace.

Our country Afghanistan is one of the countries that has been longing for everlasting peace and tranquility as wars and conflicts have ravaged the lives of the people to a great extent. However, it should be noted that only longing does not solve the issue as there have to be untiring efforts required to establish peace. Moreover, there has to be determined an honest efforts as well for achieving it.

The efforts of the Afghan authorities in particular and that of the people in general have not been considerable in this regard. There have not been prudent strategies and proper tactics to achieve the goal. Slogans alone have not been capable of fighting with the might of wars and conflicts. The political players from outside the country have been able to decide the scenario in our country and we have only danced on their directions.

In addition, the factors and the people that can invigorate tranquility have been discouraged, while the violent and warring factors and people have been discouraged, which have led to the misconception that the ones who are violent are the true citizens of the country. The example is the current encouragement given to Taliban insurgents in order to motivate them to the peace talks, though they think that they have made the current government reach to this apologetic position because of their violent tactics.

There is also lack of true will and honest efforts for the preservation of peace. The intentions are to be doubted in this regard as there are many who use the conflicts and wars for their political and economic objectives. No one can restore true peace by having soft words on lips and a dagger under the arm. It is really necessary that the intentions should be pure and honest and should be directed at the wellbeing of the people of Afghanistan; otherwise, the dreams of peace would always remain dreams.