Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Af-Pak Relation Battered

At present Afghanistan passes through numerous problems, among which political uncertainty earns distinction. The incumbent politicians suffering shortsightedness is unable to read out the harsh dictates of nature, ever supporting and standing with those pursuing rational discourse than personal interests. The battered foreign relation with many countries including US, NATO and Pakistan signifies forthcoming troubles the war torn country has to face, imminently.

The stalled fate of BSA and release of suspected Bagram inmates altered the relationship dynamic between US and Afghanistan. US contemplates complete draw down that may result in security vacuum, which may likely be filled by insurgents. Hence this intentional or unintentional move might not serve Afghanistan’s interests, seeing the security concerns multiply and stability will be endangered. This conforms to former report prepared on behalf of the Department of Defense, the Center for Naval Analysis (CAN) cautioning the security environment in Afghanistan would become more challenging and the Taliban insurgency emerge as a greater threat to stability after the drawdown of most international forces in 2014.      

The strained relation with Pakistan is another aspect of ill-political stratagem pursued. Afghanistan can never ensure its stability without building cordial relationship with neighboring countries, including Pakistan. The flawed practice of baseless and unfound allegations and counter allegation is not helpful and strains the already worsen relation. The safe militant hideouts across the borders have been resulting in militant infiltration in two countries. The militants on the two side of border are risk for the two countries; it is logical the two countries pursue pragmatic approach than typical.

It’s high time Afghanistan put practical politics into practice by multiplying cordial relations and subtracting discords. There are several genuine issues; both countries are facing with inclusion to border problems and unrelenting terrorism. It is precious moments the two neighbors work out an agreed solution to all immediate problems. Both are required to work strengthening border coordination and also jointly work for installing durable peace and drag forth the peace talks. The two countries having cultural and social ties must ease free trade and bridge relationship by encouraging people to people contact.

Terrorism, undoubtedly, a challenging menace to the two countries has added into the wrecked economies, inflicting worst effects on governance. It is time both countries look into long term sustainable relationship –information sharing mechanism, be developed and joint counter terrorism initiatives be taken so that none of the terrorists escape the reach of law. Any element or issue causing the breach of trust between the two countries must be led to negotiation.

Both Afghanistan and Pakistan need to reaffirm their compliance to launch a joint venture against illiteracy, poverty, terrorism and extremism. It is vital for two countries to develop long-lasting and endless cordial relationships based on mutual respect, material and technical support and co-operation and coordination.