Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

National Reconciliation, Indicative of Good Omen

Previously former Taliban minister Maulvi Abdul Raqib was assassinated in northwestern city of Peshawar when the rumors of talks between Afghan Taliban and government were widespread. The government of Afghanistan pointed at Pakistan to be behind the act meant to derail the Afghan lead peace talks despite Pakistan’s repeated assurance of supporting the peace talks than derailing it. The Karzai administration names it national reconciliation whilst alleging the neighboring country trying to frustrate the national reconciliation. If the government of Afghanistan is taking initiative to tabulate result oriented talks with insurgents all the elements must facilitate it.

Reconciliation leading to installment of peace is the ultimate necessity every Afghan longs for over decades. In order to continue the stalled peace process, a tangible and pragmatic approach is required to further the derailed peace process. Taliban and Afghan government has been in state of war for over decade that have resulted in devastative causalities and irreparable harms to war torn country. It is contemplated to work out a peaceful solution to ongoing conflict to put an end the bloodshed. Afghanistan has always expected US or Pakistan to help them furthering peace talks with Taliban who positively responded to the call of Afghan government.

Both Pakistan and US keeping their promises inaugurated a political office of Taliban in Qatari capital Doha – the display of positive note facilitating peace talks. In the bid to further peace talks seemingly Pakistan has contributed by releasing several Afghan Taliban inmates with inclusion to Mullah Bradar, the second commander of Taliban after Mullah Omar.  Moreover, the gradual release of Taliban detainees is a positive gesture that Pakistan’s cooperation with Afghan government would continue. The Pakistani head of government Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif reiterated its unconditional support to Afghan led peace process in the trilateral summit formerly held in Ankara, Turkey his support for the Afghan peace process at a joint news conference. However, Afghan government doubts both US and Pakistan for derailing peace talks instead of furtherance.

This is the first time a senior Taliban leader has publicly announced to hold talks with the Karzai regime and begin the intra-Afghan dialogue though denounced by spokesman of Taliban. It will be premature to expect much from this process, but it could win support in and outside Afghanistan in view of the drawdown.