Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Social Evils are on the Rise

Social ill-practices are detrimental to social bond of enhancive interaction, receiving superfluous acceptance among masses, and are regarded as social evils. It is generally the loosening effect of law and order coupled with degeneration of moral values in a society which results in the spread of social evils.

The social evils can be defined in different subjects for instance some might only be ethical and some might relate to crime or it might violate certain established principles. In modern society, with special reference to Afghanistan, it is important to note that a number of social evils have grappled our country in its iron claws; in addition it seems impossible to get out of its tentacles unless immediate attention is given.

Crime, bigotry, bullying and illiteracy are the common examples of the social evils that we encounter frequently.  Besides these, there are many other social evils like child labor, wastage of food on the occasion of marriages and other social ceremonies are wide practiced in the avenues of Kabul.

At present the life sustaining commodities are not found, in pure condition. Milk, ghee, butter, oil, etc. all are sold adulterated. Not only food stuffs, but medicines, toilet goods and their articles also are mixed with inferior and cheaper substances. This amounts to the cheating of the people. This is a social crime taking place under the very nose of government. The people must be ensured the supply of pure and unadulterated goods.

One of the major curses of which Afghanistan is suffering is bribery and corruption weakening the institutional performance of the country; a poison, that must be put down with iron hand. Black marketing is the most colossal crime against society. There are other taboos flourishing, which are gradually decaying the society, creating anomalies such as economic disparity, excessive use of one’s authority, falling educational standard, promotion of crime and lack of proper life facilities.

The foundation of social evils is that society is made up of human beings that have all the weaknesses and faults that are inherent to being human. Human traits such as greed, hate, lust for power or wealth, arrogance, etc, and become social evils when they are allowed to grow in a society to a point that they become a part of that society.

The government should put all its efforts in upholding the rule of law. Every person should be treated equally irrespective of his material status. Often general people rebuke poor people and look at them with disdain, this should be prevented and the people should adopt a positive and helpful behavior towards the poor and the destitute. Seeing the law makers’ frequently breaking laws, the citizens find it easier to go with wrong decisions, creating law and order problems. These measures would also contribute in encouraging evils in society. The government must make all possible efforts to curb these all nefarious trades.