Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Signs of Unity in Election Groups!

Upcoming elections are approaching briskly and so is the pace of campaigns by the presidential candidates. Every candidate has been supported by a couple or more number of famous politicians of the country. One of the strongest candidates Zalmai Rasool has the support of Ahmad Zia Masood and others, Professor Abdur Rab Rasool Sayyaf has the team including of Ismail Khan and others, while other candidates also have the support of different famous politicians. The positive thing in these groups of politicians is the establishment of groups or coalitions on the basis of different aspects but not sectarian or racial differences. It is a fact that the differences between different ethnic groups in the country are not easily ignorable. After the war ended and a democratic government was established, great concern was expressed to promote good relations between the different ethnic groups and tribes in the country. Many decades of war was also based on the same ethnic differences. Even though efforts were made to bring people of different communities close to each other and diminish the ethnic differences between them but the problem does not seem to be completely eliminated. Very recently, there was a great fuss in the capital city and of course on the national media about the biased comments of a speaker on one of the private television channels of the country. It was also a fact that the national unity that was expected to prevail in a democratic setup was not up to the expectations and it seems that we are still facing the same problems that we faced for so many decades.

But the present elections showed a better picture of national solidarity and unity. When we observe the teams of different candidates, we see that they have been made of politicians with different backgrounds. In almost all the teams, there are politicians from different ethnic groups and in almost every group; there is the presentation of every ethnic or racial group of the country. Because of this, there is not present any kind of feeling in these elections that people should vote on the basis of ethnicity. In the same way, the candidates are also not limited to any specific area or region of the country and their attentions are also not beamed to any specific group of people. In the present circumstances when the need of national solidarity and unity is badly felt, these signs are very hopeful and we can hope that they would also lead the country leaving behind their ethnic or racial differences.