Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

An Abhorrent Abduction

A few days earlier, two children were kidnapped from the eastern part of Kabul city. They were a six year old girl and her five years old brother. The abductors contacted their family and asked for a ransom of USD 50,000; however, before any deal could be finalized, the criminals killed the boy and raped the little girl. The intelligence officials have said that they arrested nine individuals regarding the crime from whom three are the main culprits and the rest are their accomplice. The National Security Directorate (NSD) also released the photos of murdered child on social network which sparked hatred against such abhorrent criminal activities.

Indeed, the crime reflected two things: first one, how morality has been spoiled during past decades. The previous barbaric activities may get strong in the society once again. People may return to obnoxious and inhuman crimes that happened previously under the very eyes of Mojaheedin. Even many argue that Taliban have not remained the same Taliban. They have undergone fundamental change and do not have any intention to bring about a similar establishment as they did from 1996-2001.

But the murder of an innocent child and rape of small girl for the sake of money reflected that the concepts regarding the development of morality are nothing more than mere illusion. Our country is riddled with abhorrent and barbaric individuals who love the elapse back to its previous order in order to fulfill their insatiable desire for blood. If anything goes in the system, the barbaric underground groups will soon inflame the hidden brimstone of communal war. Then the chain of violence will resurge in the society as the history, particularly the tragedy of Afshar, shows.

Secondly, the robbers asked for 50,000 US Dollars for the kidnapped children. It shows that behind most of such crimes, poverty is the main reason. Since last year, as the foreign military withdrawal has become certain, many NGOs have also pulled out of the country. The employment has become so high. For each announced position in a NGO or public sector, more than a hundred people apply; and a visible part of them are those who previously have professional experience. Similar stagnation seems also in the shopping malls. As some of the shopkeepers in the supermarket say someday they cannot sell a good because there are no customers.

So, if the present antagonistic approach continues with international community, particularly with US, the situation will head to worse.