Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Protest in Support of Soldiers

Today, Feb. 26, a protest will be launched in the support of 21 soldiers who were cowardly killed by Taliban militants In Ghazi Abad District of Konar province. Based on ads shared in social networks, they will chant their support for Afghan security forces, render condolence for their families and condemn the barbaric activities of Taliban.

The murder which was one of the most horrendous and tragic attack against Afghan soldiers shocked all people. President Karzai cancelled his travel to Sari Lanka but due to unknown reasons did not participate in their death ceremony. Many harshly criticized President Karzai of his absence as saying that President Karzai brands enemies as dissent brothers. Previously, when a member of Quetta Shura was killed in Pakistan, two public helicopters delivered his corpse to his family in Takhar province. Several top government officials participated in his death ceremony and Palace released harsh remarks regarding his death. Hence, the absence of President hurt part of people as they blamed him of not recognizing the sacrifice of those who fight for the country and protect people rather welcome those who have stains of blood on their hands like Mawlavi Raqibullah.

Despite days past from the incident, people are in still shock and feel sympathy which Afghan National forces. During last few days, visible number of Afghan social network users shared the photos of brave soldiers and wrote about their endeavor and sacrifices. The sympathy has grown to a level that nobody indeed has the gut to oppose the notion. They expressed their anger that sacrifices of soldiers are not recognized particularly by Afghan officials. As one wrote that soldiers lose their lives for strengthening of democracy and independence of their country, but the cities are decorated with photos of politicians who have shed the blood of civilians during last decades. The true and real heroes are those who sacrifice their lives for this country and not those who ride on armored, black window vehicles on the streets of Kabul.

Some released information has further added to different angles of the incident. According to intelligence officials, information was shared with security officials, including the provincial governor, over possible attack 20 days ago. But no due measures were held. On the other hand, why foreign air forces did not get engaged? Was it due to the order of presidential palace that had asked not to request for air strike at any condition? Hope the investigation gets completed and all angles of the incident will be cleared.