Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Concerns over Govt. Interference in Election

Democracy in Afghanistan is still nascent. While free, fair and transparent elections are considered one of the main factors that can lead to strong democracy in the country; it faces multifaceted challenges like insecurity, lack of awareness among the public, vote rigging and above all direct interference of the government authorities. Afghanistan is only 5 weeks away from the crucial presidential election and certain groups have objected the palace of meddling in the election process by motivating people to vote a particular presidential candidate.

On Tuesday 25th February, Mohsin Ehsani, a member of Young Activists Network for Reform and Changes accused President Hamid Karzai of interfering in the election. “Recently a group of 170 individuals approached President Hamid Karzai and the President urged them to support a particular candidate. Is not it meddling in the election? We are concerned that Afghanistan will be dragged into chaos and for this President Karzai and other government authorities who interfere in the election will be responsible,” Eshani said in a press conference in Kabul.

This comes at time when President Hamid Karzai has been calling upon the government officials to avoid taking side of or campaigning for any particular presidential candidates and has warned they will be dismissed if found involved in such activities.

Previously, there were reports of massive vote rigging and other kinds of electoral frauds in the elections so far held in Afghanistan. The same concern persists regarding the April 5th election. Electoral frauds immensely contribute to illegitimacy of the new government and any kind of meddling from the current administration will fuel the problem.

The voices of the civil society organizations such as that mentioned above must be heard as they have rightful demands and concerns. Indeed, it is very pivotal for Afghanistan to conduct a sound election and President Hamid Karzai must not only ensure that but also smooth transition of power to the new government which will be the first in the history of country.      

Inferences by government authorities - be it the President or any low-ranking employee of a government entity - are illegal in the light of electoral and constitutional laws of the country. It is the core responsibility of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) to expose anyone trying to meddle in the elections regardless of his position if it wants people not to doubt its autonomy.