Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Lessons from Ghazi Abad Incident

The sad incident of Ghazi Abad in Kunar province left the country in shock and people protested against the incident. More than a dozen of our soldiers were martyred and the bereaved families were left in despair. At this moment, we share our condolences with the families and relatives of soldiers and same are the sentiments of every Afghan. No need to repeat that we can never expect any good from those who are working day and night to weaken the basis of our country and bring the country into pieces. This incident has no doubt brought the people closer to each other and made us more concerned about the importance of unity in the country but at the same time, there are so many questions that need to be answered.

Speaking on the funeral ceremony, Defense Minister Bismillah Mohammadi denounced the attack as a “cowardly act”, saying it was planned by the Taliban, their backers and the intelligence service of a certain country.”

It is believed that the attack was plotted by political masterminds behind the scene and backed by a certain country. According to Defense Minister, the attack was planned across the border and the soldiers sacrificed their lives while defending their motherland. “This is not the first or last attack; the enemies of Afghans have long been carrying out such attacks with the help of a specific country...”

Taliban are notorious for their cruelties around the globe. They ruled a dictator regime in Afghanistan for five years. History witnesses the massacre of thousands of innocent people carried out by Taliban. In other words, Afghan people have been butchered widely during the Taliban’s reign of terror.

The poisonous mentalities of Taliban radicals demote them from the level of humanity to barbarity. Of course, those who do not feel mercy for themselves and commit suicide, how can one expect them not to tyrannize people! Hence, when one’s mind and soul are poisoned with extremism and hatred, repairing them seems beyond possibility.

Taliban have mostly been used as political pawn by the certain countries and Sunday’s deadly attack was lethal leading to the death of more than 20 Afghan soldiers and 8 more were kidnapped. Besides being brainwashed and trained in madrasahs, they receive financial support which make their acts of terror more sustainable.

Now, it is Afghan government to react effectively. There should be taken an efficacious strategy to bring the terrorist to its knee. I believe strongly that any generous acts or mercy towards Taliban militants are an unforgivable betrayal to the Afghan nation. Moreover, I can say with full assurance that releasing Taliban prisoners who, according to US officials, were involved in the death of Afghan people, police and foreign forces was a great political blunder. Hence, repeating this seems beyond the tolerance of the victims’ families.

A military backlash against Taliban insurgents is emphatically recommended and it is the only way left for countering the terrorism.

According to the sources of Ministry of Defense, there has also been some negligence and non-professional conduct by some senior officers which resulted in the sad incident. In this regard, some officers have been terminated and their cases have been referred for further investigation. This negligence and non-professionalism have resulted in the loss of precious lives of our brave soldiers who are always ready to sacrifice their lives for the protection of our borders and making our lives safe and comfortable.

In these lines as well, many times the issue has been raised about the corruption and lack of control in the senior lines of officers of police and military. There have been continuous accusations of corruption, illegal use of the authority, nepotism and other illegal or unethical crimes against the top brasses of police and national army. It has also been noticed that some officers are so powerful that they consider themselves above any kind of law or constitution and give no importance to the prevalent laws of the country. Such accusations have not only harmed the good reputation of the forces but also brought some kind of invisible deterioration in the morale of in-service personnel of police and national army. It was necessary that there could have been a fool-proof system of checks and balances on all the levels of all the organs of government so that no one should think of crossing its limits. This sad incident is a good eye-opener to put into practice the laws responsible for keeping a proper check and balance in top lines of police and national army. It is hoped that the upcoming investigation will be conducted with absolute professionalism and transparency and all the responsible officers would be brought into justice so that there should not be any further repetition of any such sad incident.