Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

BSA and Possibility of Complete Withdrawal

In his latest phone to President Karzai, President Obama vividly put the zero military option on the table. Reportedly, both presidents talked over 40 minutes over range of issues, particularly, Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA). President Obama made it clear to his Afghan counterpart that all American security forces may withdraw if he persists on his own conditions.

While the polls reflect that support of Americans is at all times low for Afghanistan war but Pentagon still shows deep interest to keep a minimum force in order not to let the reversal of the country into a safe haven of Taliban and Al-Qaeda. But instant opposition and long list conditions of President Karzai has actually darkened the prospective of bilateral cooperation. During this week, NATO officials in Brussels also conditioned their support to signature of the contract with Washington.

But President Karzai has remained silent during past few days. The murder of 21 Afghan soldiers which sparked suspicion that his opposition to NATO air strikes might have something to do with incident led to wave of harsh criticism against him. His absence during the day when their corpses were handed over to their families on Monday further angered people as they were sharing ferocious statements against him and blaming him of showing much more sympathy to Taliban fighters.

Foreign politicians have already pointed out that the pullout would happen irrespective of the ground security situation. A very small number of soldiers will stay that also for training Afghan soldiers and carrying pilot operations that is also if President signs the BSA. Though there is widespread support for the deal but Taliban leaders have not lost hope and they may try their best to prevent its signature, perhaps, showing a flexible approach. Zero military option would be complete victory for Taliban and terrible failure for Afghan government.

Therefore, opposition to signature of BSA has complicated the situation. Seemingly, the Washington has also become tired of long list. Due to wide support for war and having enough in government treasury, Washington was yielding to his demands. But, this time it has more reservations. It feels that fulfilling the demands will only strengthen his stance in the country and will further complicate the bilateral relation. It is not clear what if President Karzai would do if United States does not accept his conditions?