Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Afghanistan’s Interests Must Stand Superior

Afghanistan being backed by US forces has been fighting insurgency and Talibanization and remnants of Al-Qaida for over the past decade with a noticeable breakthrough. The billion dollars influx in the aid to curb insurgency wasn’t properly handled even then the insurgents are given a tough blow. Admittedly the war against terrorism earned enormous human and infrastructural losses and couldn’t dismantle their physical and ideological strength to great extent yet some improvements are worth noting. It is also an undeniable fact that Taliban still enjoy strong hold in eastern and southern part of Afghanistan, mostly bordered with Pakistani tribal areas as mentioned in some reports. It is said by some authorities that Taliban might topple Kabul’s elected government and may install their own setup; reversing progresses made by democratic government once zero option is exercised.

All such prophecy comes forth in the light of frequent statements issued by Taliban subsequent to a triumphant attack on significant sites. It conforms with former statement issued by Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid whilst talking to BBC, wherein he claimed that Taliban would return to power following the withdrawal of the NATO-led coalition security forces from the country. In addition, the complete drawdown was equated with defeat of US and victory of Taliban affirming their eternal victory over occupants looking back into the history of Afghanistan.

Taliban are well cognizant with the underlying worth of propaganda; they use to demoralize their opponents. Else they are breathing their last breaths provided that the government sticks to a resolve not bowing before extremist elements and their impracticable forged agendas. The government of Afghanistan at present is striving hard to persuade Taliban for negotiation to end bloodshed.  Peace can’t be begged but implemented with might of rational laws. The government must further peace talks only with those element who happen to submit to constitution and withholding human rights and turn into law abiding citizens.

Taliban suffer superiority complex. They believe they turned victorious by defeating Russia in 1989 the superpower of its time, unlearning the continuous military, technical and monetary assistance they received from certain countries. Taliban are dreaming to attain their lost regime. Factually stating, Taliban, even if handed over the governance of Afghanistan, might not govern it. The governance observed during their term was solitarily based on human right violations and gender based discrimination and suppression, might not help them out in meeting the innovative challenges of time. Though, their justice system was pivoted on rapid response nevertheless in majority cases irrational and unjustified charges were inflicted against innocents. There was no proper economic system put into practice that could earn handsome revenue for the government.

The government must not let that a security vacuum is created which happens to serve the interests of insurgents. The presence of international forces beyond 2014 both diplomatically and politically, serves the interests of Afghanistan. This political necessity should be well thought of, before it is too late.