Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Threat of Taliban Sympathizers!

Just like Ghaziabad incident, there were many other incidents in which Terrorists were not only able to inflict harm to our forces but were also able to take into hostage a large number of members of police and national army. It has not yet been confirmed but it is feared that there would definitely be an insider who could have done the most damage. The true health of this fear would be discovered after a thorough investigation is made in this regard. In past as well, there were many incidents when a terrorist or Taliban sympathizer not only gave exact information to the attackers but also helped them by adding something into their food that they all became unconscious and became an easy target for Taliban to come, kill or take a number of them into hostage.

This shows the dangerous trend of infiltration of Taliban and terrorists inside the lines of police and national army. There were some reports that Taliban are working to send their men inside police and national army so that they may be of help to them whenever needed. This was possible because of the fact that the system used for the selection and recruitment of soldiers for police and national army is not free of gaps and these missing points are used by the terrorist organizations to send in their men. At the same time, there are also present some reports of top government officials and high ranking military officers to have soft corner for Taliban and militants who then assist them to send their men inside our lines.

This dangerous fact has resulted in the loss of large number of precious lives of the members of police and national army and this loss cannot be easily recovered. These sad incidents have not only deprived the country of loyal and well-trained saviors but also affected negatively on the morale of the overall force. This has given rise to a perception of insecurity and mistrust inside police and national army and they feel that their lives are not given much importance by those who are responsible for the selection of new recruits to the forces.

It is necessary that proper investigation should be conducted of all the incidents where the presence of an insider informer was suspected. The findings of these investigations should be used to avoid such incidents in future. The selection process should be made more reliable so that the terrorist may not be able to send in their supporters. Programs should be devised so that the sympathizers and agents of terrorists should be identified and taken out of the forces. And most importantly, all those politicians or influential government officials should be properly investigated and brought into justice so that there should not be anymore loss of the lives of police and national army personnel.