Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Freedom of Expression and Misuse of the Internet

No doubt, one of the key developments in post-Taliban period is freedom of expression. Afghans and international donors paid due attention to media and freedom of expression. As result, more than hundred Radio channels, tens of TV channels along with hundreds of newspaper, weekly, monthly and annual magazines are presently active and covering wide range of issues. Besides all these, internet grows tremendously. Stretches of fiber optic cables and delivery of 3G internet service by several telecommunication companies have completely changed the country. One of the most interesting things that can happen today because of the advancement of the internet is that in the most remote villages of Afghanistan a person while grazing herds was connected to internet, the thing which was unimaginable 12 years back.

Meanwhile this revolutionary media development and accessibility of internet have their own harms too. Due to lack of cultural development, sometimes these developments are misused which often sparked harsh criticisms from layers of the society. But there is one thing that can be singled out. Due to lack of any kind of censors, social networks have become the platform for unlimited freedom of expressions. Some individuals really do not consider anything while sharing or commenting on others’ sharing. They talk much like they live somewhere alone and nobody can hear or watch them. This feeling of unlimited freedom causes many to share things that they may not do in a group, for example. Part of such activities completely harms the social fabric. They contain nothing except insult and abuse of figures.

In opposition to such irresponsible comments, the Herat Provincial Attorney General informed of tracking down individuals against whom candidates have filed complain. Marya Bashir has told that security and detective departments are cooperating with the office for tracking these individuals. She added that due to lack of internet crimes law, no punishment is considered for such crimes. She adds previously also there were two complains in this regard. One of the cases was resolved by mediation of elders between criminal and victim and another was taken to justice and sentenced to two years long prison.

Definitely, such measures look necessary but law enforcement agencies and judiciary should act cautiously in order not to violate the freedom of expression.