Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Transparent Election Should Follow Peaceful Transition

The upcoming election is termed as a turning point in the history of war-torn Afghanistan carrying enormous riches and uncertainties equally. It must be imbibed, the politicians tending to be leaders are left to drag the country out of multiple crises at the end of day. Acceptably asserting that subsequent to decades of war and instability, a peaceful transition of power in 2014 could portend a more hopeful future for Afghanistan.  It is to be believed this election is a way out of Afghanistan’s current political chaos. 

With every day advancing towards election 2014, the concerns of political parties, international community, civil society organizations and media bodies, regarding the necessary arrangements made to conduct free and fair election feasible, escalated. Formerly, Abdullah Abdullah, one of presidential contenders told off his concerns saying, “Any kinds of neglect by election related agencies in staging the presidential elections in April will lead Afghanistan towards instability.  “We will never reach political stability if fraud determines our fates,” Abdullah said. Many underlying doubts were unearthed related to concerned departments and officials to demonstrate impartiality.

The government seemingly adopted necessary measures for conducting transparent and fair elections in order to earn the confidence of political parties and civil bodies. One of significant undertaking, the government has to think of is the bridging of understanding gaps between the ruling elites and opposition –earning the confidence of all contenders counts to be a peculiar achievements of incumbent government given that exploitation of election result either by government or political parties render unaffordable than unacceptable.

People faded up of corruption and irregularities have fixed their eyes on the right of their self determination, turning a ray of hope to avert their ill-fates. Many people count on democracy and upcoming election doing away their lengthened miseries. Undoubtedly, a functional democracy aided by universal suffrage supported by international community and neighboring countries will help Afghanistan seek sumptuousness and self-reliance.

The conduction of free, fair and transparent election renders a great achievement the government in office to execute given the past experiences records mass rigging and fraudulent. The recurrence of identical issues of fraudulence might not only cause a deadlock but also an endless political turmoil and bring the system at stand still. Such a crisis could derail the entire process and we could thrust into political instability and internal havoc much more seriously and threateningly than 2009.

A credible and universally agreeable election if the government succeeds to conduct will strengthen democracy in Afghanistan otherwise it emboldens the antagonistic forces. Any suspicion of ill-deed not only erodes the credibility of election, but also harms legality of the elections -consequently putting Afghanistan on avenues of crisis engulfing the entire system. A smooth transfer of power through free, fair and transparent elections must be ensured to avoid any crisis in post 2014 poll.