Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Education of Worth Is the Worth of Education

Collective progress is neither a self-propelling endeavor nor a cyclic phenomenon but an innovation seeking undertaking, ever aided by element of rationalism. Regretfully the Muslims have stuck to the former state, negating the later. They fallaciously deem collective uplift, a cyclic occurrence, hence kept them waiting till onset of their turn. Drawing an erroneous finale from glorious past devoid of explicit stratagem and plan of execution can’t do away our miseries.

The dictum “wait and see” pursued by Muslims, has rendered their inherent capabilities, dysfunctional. Despite of being the richest, endless economical crisis, social degeneration and political turmoil depicts their myopic state and dearth of spearheaded priority. In order to avert these downtrodden states, no implementable policy is framed and executed. Conflicts based on unfound truth serves to widen controversies; exploitative politics is carried forth to undermine the so called rivals; monarchism is wide practiced to protect the greater interests of minor ruling elites. Even, Al-Qaida and Taliban pursuing an ambiguous agenda are granted unconditional moral and financial support to exercise their evil practices, till establishment of independent state, on the grounds grave human rights violation.  

The underlying problem is associated to fallaciously grasping the hardcore but undisclosed facts or natural truth that entangled them in the bottom of superiority complex; consequently stick to reasonless claims of owning and pioneering knowledge.

This betraying course of superiority, made them bother not about their intellectual responsibilities whilst sticking to limiting believes and continuation of religious rituals, only assures them salvation. Such flawed disposition resulted distancing them from innovation and scientific outlook. Consequently, the irreversibly growing extremism, terrorism and bloodletting of fellow citizen until the establishment of Islamic Emirate an unjustifiable act on any human ground; must be disowned. It is height of time; we follow the course of reason, logic, science and technology not coercion and violence.

The dreadful status quo can be reversed only when we pursue scientific and rational education given that education of worth is the worth of education. Modern era is pleading for education of worth, of which we are far away; our educational institutes till date are practicing outmoded discourse. Majority of international aids were disbursed aimlessly, without education given utmost importance. Great budgetary allocation in every fiscal year to great many field devoid of education, will leave us away from collective advancement. It is an appropriate time we decide, whether education of worth should be sought.