Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

President’s Final Speech to the Parliament

Inaugurating the fourth working year of Afghanistan’s parliament, President Hamid Karzai delivered his final speech of its kind. The president talked intensively on the brighter side of his government, neglecting the major issues and challenges that will be left behind after he is replaced by new president that is going to be elected on April 5th. No doubt, there is a difference of cheese and chalk between Afghanistan today and Afghanistan in 2001. Nevertheless, the country is standing at a very critical juncture where all its political, economic and social gains are at a high risk of being lost.

Karzai’s instance on Bilateral Security Agreement or BSA remains the same. President Hamid Karzai also told the United States its soldiers can leave at the end of the year because his military, which already protects 93 percent of the country, was ready to take over entirely.  But he did not deliver any proper solutions on how the needs of Afghan National Security Forces in regards of training, equipment and finance would be met if the BSA is not signed.

The President remains firm to his decision of not signing the security agreement with the US at times when all the presidential contenders, including Zalmai Rasoul who is said to have the support from within the government, have said they would sign the BSA. If Afghanistan’s constitution law had allowed Karzai to run for a third term, it is believed that he would have already signed the security deal.

The most significant part of President Karzai’s speech at the parliament was his commitment to support Independent Election Commission (IEC) conduct free, fair and transparent elections in April. "The government will use all its power to ensure the coming presidential and provincial council elections are free, fair and transparent. The Afghan National Security Forces will also provide a secure environment for Afghans to take part in the process," Xinhua quoted Karzai as saying. Should the government act as it says, it would be a great service for the people of Afghanistan. Electoral frauds and irregularities increase the chances of Afghanistan to fall into a chaotic situation. Transparent polls are crucial for the future stability of the country. Therefore, the government must do its utmost for ensuring fraud free elections.