Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Dialogue for Selecting Vice President

The death of first vice president Mr. Ahmad Qasim Fahim has created fracture in the political line stretched from palace to Mujaheedin leaders. He was known as true and indisputable representative of the so-called northern alliance, the strongest anti-Taliban coalition in the country with deep influence in different layers of the society in the northern Provinces. Now only weeks have remained for the presidential election which from certain angles can be the most turning elections in the political history of Afghanistan, President Karzai is in a hurry to appoint a new vice president who can indeed play a similar role of Marshal Fahim in preventing any political disturbances.

Since the very US-led military intervention in 2001 ethnic power sharing is viewed as the most assuring reason for political stability, Mr. Karzai looking forward to introduce a new vice president from Tajik community. In other words, sharing political power on the basis of community still weighs visibly in political calculation. Despite certain shortcomings and injustice happening at different ranks, the presentation of particular communities in the cabinet as ministries is not completely ignorable; moreover, triangle of President Karzai as Pashtun, Qasim Fahim, a Tajik and Abdul Karim Khalili, a Hazara has been a kind insurance for the stability and endurance of political system. Now Mr. Qasim Fahim has passed away. His death not only disrupted that ethnic power sharing but also sent tremble down to spine of Mujaheedin leaders. Enjoying support from Mujaheedin leaders, he and those who were connected to him were strong enough that their replacement are hard if not impossible. As one of the key reason of corruption is the same thing. There are subordinates who can discharge their supervisors because of having connections with powerful guys within and out of the government.

So, President Karzai is not considering any other option to appoint someone out of the community which would of course complicate the situation. From within the community, many potential individuals who were suitable for this position have lost their lives in target killings, such as Prof. Burhanuddin Rabbani, General Daud Daud and etc. based on leaked information, several figures such as Younus Qanooni, the former chief of the parliament, Bismillah Mohammadi the present Minister of Foreign Affairs and Salahuddin Rabbani chief of High Peace Council and Atta Mohammad Noor, the Balkh provincial governor. But whoever gets the seat of Mr. Fahim may not be able to play a critical role as he could.