Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Accustomed to Syrian Tragedy

To some extent the tragedy of Syria has come out of the global magnifier. Media which follows the footsteps of politicians have put to cover every single issue in the Ukraine. Both Moscow and Washington that could play vital role in ending over three years long violence and bloodshed in the country have messed up with each other in Ukraine. Both hugely desirous to win over the other as the statement of American diplomat of saying “F**k Europe” for not taking serious aggressive stance, before the expulsion of President Yanukovich as the military action of Moscow after losing its ally in Kiev. The stances of both country reflect that they have made their mind to pay certain level of expense for maintaining their foothold in Ukraine.

The prompt military response in Crimea and the following approval of Russian parliament of sending troops to Ukraine displayed that it is not going to give up the former USSR ally. Visible part of Ukraine citizens speaks Russian and once upon a time it was also called the small Russia. Secession from Russia would actually means that former East Bloc has lost its most intimate ally while NATO still remained an indisputably unchallenging military organization primarily established to counter expansionist system of communism and socialism. Similar importance it has for the US and EU of pulling it out of Moscow’s dominance.

Thus, both sides have concentrated their efforts on a country whose turbulences have far visible effects on EU. Sending arms and launching and intelligent war in Syria is part of strategies of those who are involved. But such measures are held only to prevent the victory of the opposite group not actually for terminating the tragic civil war.

On Thursday, Syria’s parliament approved a new election law which for the first time in decades allows multiple candidates to run for president, just months before war-torn nation heads to the polls. The conditions candidates of living up to 10 years of consecutive stay in the country which means that opposition leaders in exile have no chance to run the presidential election. Both Syria’s opposition and international mediators have rejected plan and branded as disruptive to peace negotiation.

This actually means that there is no prospective for end of the war. Over half the population displaced and all should struggle for survival. So, the war will continue, prolonging the human tragedy in the country till armed groups get tired of murdering or getting killed or till they become weak enough to surrender.