Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Blessing Turns into a Curse

Rain is a blessing of nature and it provides human beings with one of the most basic requirements of life – water. Proper rain can also support human beings in growing crops that can help them in compensating for their nutrition requirements. Moreover, it can also help in having green and healthy environment.

However, in countries, like Afghanistan, which do not have proper and advanced systems to benefit from the blessings like rain and providing their people the basic requirements; the blessings turn into disasters and curse.

The current rainfall, which continued for 4 to 5 days, exposed the country’s administrative capabilities to react to such situations. Different scenes even in the capital Kabul showed that instead of enjoying the blessing, people suffer and suffer greatly.

Most of the roads were filled with water and there were various reports about the water flooding people’s houses, crushing them and even hurting several people. A news report depicted that three children died and four others were injured when their house collapsed due to heavy rains in Kabul. The town’s police chief, Col. Najibullah Samsor, told in a statement that the overnight incident took place in the 10th police district and he also mentioned that many residents of the district had suffered losses due to the heavy rainfall. He further added that some people had left their houses and were living in school buildings.  

The people in other parts of the country had to face even more tragic situations. The reports show that two people were killed and hundreds marooned by rain-induced flooding in the central Uruzgan province (One person was killed in the Abragha area on the outskirts of Tirinkot and another in Gizab district).

The Afghan Natural Disaster Management (ANDM) head in Uruzgan, in a statement said that more than 100 houses had been destroyed as a result of five days of rain in different areas. “Hundreds of residents of Deh Zak and Sak Zak villages are marooned. In an effort to save their lives, they have climbed house roofs and trees,” he added.

Such a scenario is really pathetic. If the blessings are turned into curse for the people because of improper administration, it shows that we really need to revise our considerations and priorities and the government, in particular, has to keep this in consideration.