Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Democracy should be Exercised with Due Consideration

Afghanistan passes through multitude of problems, namely bad governance, ignorance, male-administration, insecurity, grave human rights violation, widespread corruption and weakened law and order. Free and fair election is deemed a way out to these all existing problems seeking unbiased support from every segments of Afghan society following a peaceful transition. The leadership elected subsequently, must diagnose properly the immediate problems of the motherland whilst devising an implementable solution to them.

As Afghanistan advances towards April 5 elections, the electoral campaigning accelerates; every contender rests not making huge claims of aversion of fate of Afghans, if elected. The whole undertakings reflect enthusiasm, warmth and civic participation as if every second person is going for presidential runoff. Nonetheless, another aspect of campaigning, worth mentioning, is countless pledges made to draw attention of Electoral College. Some contestants rely to mere extension of assurances of wellbeing, security and welfare to their voters if elected. Others talks of substituting the democracy with caliphate or presidential with parliamentary.  

Some political parties propagating revival of Islam and preservation of religious dogmas installment of religiously motivated teachings their greatest responsibilities, might complicate the worsened situation. Politics exercised on so-called religious ground has proved devastative and is a conspiracy to destabilize Afghan society. It is better politics should be practiced on the grounds of civic welfare, given that the use of religious sentiments and religious polarization of society will never serve Afghan’s interest.

Formerly during an election campaigning the presidential runner Abdur Rab Rassoul Sayyaf, promised establishing a Caliphate-like government system, winning April 5 elections. Addressing a huge gathering of supporters including thousands of religious scholars and students in Kabul, he hailed Islam as the right code of life. He urged people to follow religious teachings. Sayyaf said he would pay more attention to promoting the Islamic law if he won the presidential race.

The claim sounds stunning but impracticable. For such a daydream to crystallize, a broad based and agreed consensus is needed which can only be achieved, taking every sect into confidence. Moreover, the government of Taliban claimed to be the guarantor of Islamic jurisprudence, worth seeing that witnessed extensive human rights violation. It is democracy that is universally accepted as protector of human rights.

Democracy certainly grants solitary solution to these all harms, provided it is exercised without ifs and buts. The right to lead a life without seeking an influence from other fellow being is the greatest safeguard, democracy guarantees. The leadership elected will be put to test, to drag the whole country out of multifaceted troubles by putting democratic assurances into practice with due consideration.