Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

NOWROZ, a New Year of Hopes!

NOWROZ, a new year brings a new hope for all of us. With the blossoming of flowers and smooth transition of government, we are going to enter a new phase of development. This year would bring an end to all the fears and rumors about the future of our country and we would enter a new year with a stronger belief on our progress, democratic stability and peace and prosperity in the country.

While the celebrations and joy associated with New Year or ‘Nowroz’ were a bit off-colored by sad incidents in a number of cities in Afghanistan but however, the nation had some days of jubilation for the blossoming of flowers and the end of frigid winter season. New Year came and being a patriot of our country, it is the time to make new pledges and pin new hopes with the year to come. The year to follow is important with a fact that a smooth transition of government is going to take place in the presidential elections to be held in April which would further strengthen the democracy and make our path towards public welfare and progress more clear and smooth. This would bring an end to all the rumors that country is going to be derailed of its democratic journey. At the same time, we keep hopes that new government will take all the steps to bring the country back on the track of economic progress and advancement.

It must be understood that the country lies above all and our survival and prosperity is associated with our country. It is the reason why, we pin all our hopes with the country. It is the occasion to make a pledge that we will do our best to make this country a place of peace and prosperity. It must be understood that every individual Afghan can play its role in turning this dream into reality and until and unless Afghans don’t take this responsibility, all the nations of the world with their aids and support, cannot change our fate. This year, we need to make a fresh pledge to be honest with our duties and our country. We pledge to prefer the country on our personal gains and benefits and make it a place better than the last year. Until and unless we don’t change individually, the country would remain in crisis and we, as a nation, will have to face the consequences.