Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Alarming State of Security Needs Attention

Every day innocent civilians, army and police personnel render prey of endless bloodletting executed by insurgents. Subsequent to every triumphant attack the incumbent government needlessly sticks, finding traces of involvement of foreign elements without putting the concerned department into question and owing a tougher stance crushing terrorists and extremists. The chief executive of the country instead turns apologists justifying the bloodshed of insurgents that have held country hostage and pleads them peace talks.

One of the prime reasons pushing signature of BSA into indefinite delay is the unconditional demand of peace talks with Taliban expected to be channelized by US.  Despite owing soft disposition, the government couldn’t earn insurgents favor halting terror attacks instead anticipate international community stage talks. The gentle gesture earned not, good-fate for the war rotten country as insurgents instead of halting, multiplied their attacks on armed forces and unarmed civilians alike.

Amidst manifold troubles, deteriorating state of security stands to be the prior most predicaments Afghanistan faces at the present. With inclusion to worsening security condition, Afghanistan’s international relation is equally impacted. The foreign and diplomatic ties of Afghanistan battered with many countries. The international financial investments halted, military aid is on the verge of suspension, financial aids linked to betterment of human rights condition and pro-women legislations which seem not feasible imminently.

It is high time that President Karzai revised his decisions and reconsidered the belief that government may not subsist without drawing political support from insurgents. It should be imbibed that Taliban is now history and will never assume power provided that they are not supported by any faction in Afghanistan. It is better the government divert its attention on other aspects of governance than sticking to fruitless exercise of peace talks.

The goings of governance suffers acute degeneration, given favoritism, misappropriation and financial discrepancy aided by government’s negligence is on the rise. Many public departments and institutions are plagued by inalienable corruption and public officials unnoticeably continue male-practices devoid of anyone’s concern whilst political figures display criminal complicity or negligence. None of the institutions seems well groomed. The billion dollar military aid couldn’t well equip and train Afghan National Army (ANA), still large number happens to be illiterate. Despite sufficient financial and technical support from international community the government couldn’t reverse the notoriety in the state of security; absence worsens the state of affairs.