Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Escalating Insecurity Awaiting Attention

Amidst manifold troubles, deteriorating state of security stands to be the prior most predicaments; Afghanistan faces at the moment, pleading prior attention. The deteriorating of security equally scared the international investors, restraining them from confidential investments. Violence has been a dominant phenomenon browbeating every fabric of Afghan society that is really disheartening.

Every day innocent civilians, army and police personnel are rendered prey to endless bloodletting executed by insurgents. The fight between insurgents and government backed international allies seems unending unless civilians are not ended. Regrettably the government instead of reversing malicious designs of terrorists rests to phony pretexts. Subsequent to every triumphant attack the incumbent government needlessly sticks, finding traces of involvement of foreign elements, without putting the concerned department into question and owing a tougher stance crushing terrorists and extremists. The Chief Executive of the country instead turns apologist, ignoring the blood shedding of insurgents that have held country hostage and pleads them peace talks.

Formerly, insurgents carried out yet another attack on the eve of preparatory phase of election. This time, the office of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) in capital, came under attack. According to latest reports the attack claimed the lives of nine innocent people, including five gunmen, two policemen, an IEC worker and a provincial council runner. The reports revealed the attackers forced their way into the IEC office in the sixth police district of the central capital, two of whom blew them up at the entrance, enabling three others to enter the building. The attackers were killed in the ensuing clash that lasted several hours.

The attack underscores the miserable security situation and failure of surveillance system that couldn’t trace the footsteps of terrorists who had been successful subsequent to attack launched. The government is equally liable for lacking a proper mechanism of accountability to make public security officials accountable.

The Karzai government expedites the talk to Taliban whilst they are attacking public and foreign installations inflicting civilian causalities and infrastructural losses to the country seems an unwise decision.

With exception to suicide attacks the terrorists are undertaking variant techniques to give a hard blow to government. Another tactic the terrorists are undertaking is the use of improvised explosive device (IED). Planting IEDs to target foreign troops has been a deadly tactic used by insurgents. Most fatalities to civilians and coalition forces in Afghanistan have been caused by the same tactic. It has been counted as Taliban’s most working war technique against NATO. Nevertheless, the excessive use of IEDs has equally caused civilian causalities.

The government must take speedy measures to ensure durable peace, and tightened security so that the imminent election should be held on time. Following successful election and agreed transition, economic growth accelerates and the dream of progressive Afghanistan imminently comes true.