Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Responsibility of Government Regarding Security

Recent attacks in wake of upcoming elections have given birth to so many suspicions about the role of government and security agencies in this regard. Local Election Commission Office was attacked twice in these couple of days while an international NGO Roots of Peace was also targeted. Luckily and of course, absolutely suspiciously, the damage was not so much and all the foreigners of the NGO also escaped the attack.

As feared, the intensity of attacks and suicide bombings has increased with the approaching days of elections. Taliban had already threatened of carrying out attacks to derail the election process. These attacks have already threatened people and they feel very much concerned about the security situation on the day of election when these attacks may be carried out on a very massive scale.

However, the positive aspect in this regard are repeated vows and pledges of heads of security forces, members of parliament, ministers and even by our president to have good security arrangements on the day of elections and safeguard the lives of people.

All these in mind, few questions are still circulating in the minds of people that need to be addressed by the government officials. First question rises on the ability and skill and of course the planning of security forces in this regard. If our security forces are capable of controlling the security of the country, as is claimed by their heads, then what kind of explanation can be given on these attacks which are carried in the daylight and when almost half a dozen terrorists reach to the safest zones of city carrying heavy guns and explosives. There are large numbers of checkpoints on different locations of the city and these terrorists definitely passed through these security points and reached to their target area. It shows either the incapability and lack of planning of our security forces or depicts that they also have a supporting hand in these terror attacks. If our security forces are involved in these attacks, then no power can save the lives of innocent citizens on the day of election who would head to polling stations with all the dangers.

At the same time, the planning of these attacks shows the involvement of international spy agencies and their governments. If a common man can doubt any such thing then why our president and other high-brass officials of government cannot understand this and not take necessary actions in this regard. It is the appeal of every single citizen to the president and security officials to save the elections and leave aside their personal aims and benefits to save the lives of citizens.