Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Afghans Use Their Ballots as Bullets against Insurgency

On Saturday, millions of Afghans went to polling stations to vote their new government. The world saw, how despite severe security threats, the people of Afghanistan both men and women casted their votes to signal their hatred against extremism and terrorism and passion for democracy, peace and stability. By their broad participation in election, the people have sent a clear and strong message to the Taliban that they do not want their country reverse to the dark era of Taliban regime. They have indeed used their ballots as bullets against insurgency.

Afghanistan National Security Force (ANSF) worked extremely hard and with a great spirit to provide Afghans with a secure environment on the Election Day. Security of the election was conceived a great challenge but fortunately, ANSF has been victorious. In the last few days, a number of well-engineered heinous plans of the insurgents were foiled. This speaks of vigilance, professionalism and patriotism of Afghan national police and army.

Needless to mention, Afghanistan Independent Election Commission (IEC) was able to conduct an election far better than the previous ones. For the first time in post-Taliban Afghanistan, this election was held in the light of a comprehensive electoral law formally approved by the parliament. Nonetheless, polling stations in certain provinces like Badakhshan, Balkh, Bamiyan, Herat, Ghazni and even Kabul ran out of ballot papers even before it was noon. This establishes the fact that serious mismanagement still persists in IEC and its officials must be held accountable for this. With election already conducted, IEC has another crucial duty to perform now and that is preparing the results. While in other countries of the world the fate of the candidates becomes clear over a night, in Afghanistan it will take up to six weeks or even more until the IEC comes up with final results. IEC really needs to improve this area either.

At the moment Afghanistan is convening economical declination, social degeneration and political chaos. There are serious concerns regarding male-administration, ill-political priorities, disproportional balance and battered relation with the world and neighboring countries. The political and socio-economic problems barring Afghanistan’s collective progress, could be gotten rid of, given the charisma of the forthcoming elected political leader work.

Democracy is a universally accredited governing system drawing handsome reliance from intellectuals across the world. The rational laws incorporated in the constitution assuring independent functioning of intuitions are the strengthening elements of democracy; provided the pragmatic course is pursued. Election letting people exercise their free will electing their representative, is finding pillar of democracy. Hence universal suffrage in democracy isn’t limited to change of face but the change of policies and priorities.

The unexpected large voter turnout depicts people of Afghanistan are fed up of violence and despotic regimes instead are seeking to turn their mother land into a piece of land where the right of life, privacy and civil liberties are safeguarded. It too reflected Afghanis are fervent to lead a graceful life; they used the power ballot to let the world know they are against bullet and insurgency. Hundreds of people waited in long lines in front of voting centers in various provinces worth seeing.

The necessary security and managerial preparation though was commendable yet several complaints relative to electoral stationeries hindering the continuation of electoral process was reported in different part of the country. Reportedly in some parts of security threats barred people the right to vote. According to Independent Election Commission (IEC) more than 200 of 6,400 voting centers across the country remained closed.

Despite the underlined administrative flaws and security concerns, the conduction of successful election that drew huge appreciation from international community, renders to be the greatest achievement of the government provided if it follows a peaceful transition of power.

Apart from whether this election will go into the second round or what the results will bring, the palace has already been ordered to prepare for the first ever political transition in the country. Transfer of power from one elected president to the other is going to be the first in contemporary history of Afghanistan. President Hamid Karzai’s willingness and desire to hand over state affairs to the new president indeed indicates his strong belief in democracy for which he will be remembered.

Through their votes, the Afghans have shown their will for a democratic government that is responsive to the demands of the people and can lead their country out of the severe challenges facing it. ANSF have performed better. Let us hope this election begins a new era of peace and prosperity for Afghans who have been suffering the worst consequences of war over the past three decades.