Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

BSA Must be Top in the Priority List

Afghanistan, opposed to what many feared, held a successful election on Saturday. Afghans amazed the world by their enthusiasm to taking part in April 5th presidential and provincial councils’ election. Their courage to defy terrorism and cast their votes despite threats has been acclaimed by leaders of prominent countries and organizations such as US, NATO, EU and the UN. The Taliban failed to launch any significant attack on the Election Day which speaks of growing capabilities of Afghanistan National Security Forces. Meanwhile, even in most volatile provinces not only men went polling stations but also their women.

The US has already indicated its readiness to work with new president of Afghanistan and support the Afghan people in continuing their journey on path of democracy. Secretary of State John Kerry has said: “The United States remains ready to work with the next president of Afghanistan. We will continue to stand with the people of Afghanistan as they work to build a democratic future.”

With elections done, certain crucial tasks above all, Bilateral Security Agreement with the US are awaiting the new president. It is interlinked to future stability of Afghanistan and success of the new government. Provided the election does not go into the second round, the new Afghan president will be in office as soon as next month. Finalizing the BSA must be on his priority list. All the presidential candidates have already promised to sign the agreement if they succeed.

President Hamid Karzai refused to endorse the security agreement despite public pressure and emphasize by US and NATO authorities. He has let it to the new government.

BSA allows certain number of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan after 2014. They will be tasked with training and supporting the ANSF and also keeping an eye on terror networks such as al Qaida. Apart from that, international financial and non-financial support to Afghanistan will continue which will definitely help it retain the crucial gains it has had over the past 12 years in various areas.

Specifically speaking, for the new president of Afghanistan it will very challenging to rule Afghanistan without signing the BSA. A complete withdrawal of US-led forces will put Afghanistan at the risk of reversing to the dark eras of Taliban. And that is what no sensible Afghan wants. The main reason behind huge participation of Afghans in election is indeed their hope in the new government. They want the new government to bolster Afghanistan’s relations with the world so that world’s support for a better and more secure Afghanistan continues.

Successful election has lessened much of people’s concern. Yet the future is uncertain. The new president must realize it and take the country out of this condition. As a first step, he must sign the BSA as soon as he takes charge of the presidential office.