Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Transparency in the Post-Election Scenario!

Independent Election Commission (ECC) has stated that the Commission would announce the partial results by the end of this week. Although the election results are announced in less than 24 hours in almost all the countries of the world but our system has not grown so much mature and developed that it should be announced so quickly and in our last two elections, it took even more than a month until the final results were made public. However, this arrangement of announcing results so late gives birth to so many doubts and complications. It is a general perception that this much time is taken to make the results according to the desires of those who have authority to mold the results according to their own wishes. In this regard, mostly the government officials are blamed of making interference in the work of the commission and changing the results.

Although the election process was very enthusiastic and successful but large number of complaints that followed after the polls has, more or less, brought into question the transparency and overall success of these polls. The exclusive commission called Independent Election Complaints Commission (IECC) has been established to investigate the complaints and make sure the transparency of results. The Complaints Commission has received 3100 complaints from across the country. There were 228 complaints against the presidential candidates, 573 candidates against the provincial candidates and 773 against the staff of Independent Election Commission. There were complaints of filling the ballot boxes with ballot papers, multiple voting and many others. The Complaints Commission has assured the nation that proper investigation of these complaints will be carried out and it will be assured that any effort of poll-rigging should not affect the results of the elections. In this regard, the commission has 20 days to settle the complaints and it will give its final result by May 8.

Saturday’s peaceful and high-turnout polls have given new hope to all. Trust of the world has revived on the democratic progress of Afghanistan and our democratic institutions have also emerged stronger and more stable. At the same time, it has given hope to all the Afghans of a peaceful future of the country. This scenario has also strengthened the trust of internal and external investors and businessmen and they seem to be more confident to invest in the country and give a new push to the vehicle of economy which had almost come to halt in last few months. But all these positive elements would only happen when the results of the elections would be announced in the most transparent manner and the elected president of people would be handed over the power without any discrimination and delay. In this regard, a heavy responsibility falls on the shoulders of the heads of Independent Elections Commission and the Complaints Commission who would, in a sense, decide upon the future of the country.