Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Kuchis Attack in Maidan Wardak and Behsud

Afghanistan is a multi-ethnic society, where it is necessary to maintain national integration so as to avoid any disorder. For that to happen it is necessary to resolve the issues that may be the root of contention between any two or more ethnic groups or even tribes. It should also be taken care of that such issues should be dealt with immediately; otherwise, they may get gigantic and may prove to disturb peace and tranquility to great extent.

One of such issues is the conflict between the Kuchis and Hazaras. Kuchis, every year, mostly during summers, attack Hazaras in Maidan Wardak and Behsud, killing innocent people and blazing their belongings. Such attacks have been continued for many years and every year there are only promises and temporary solutions to the issue by the government authorities, and sometimes even that does not take place.

On Wednesday April 09, the Military Council in central Maidan Wardak warned about a fresh clash between Kuchis and Hazaras as, like every other year, Kuchis have attacked on Hazaras to grab their belongings and kill the innocent. According to the news reports Wardak Military Council alerted security forces and demanded their deployment to areas in the Daimirdad district, where the conflict can get really serious. 

The governor of the province, Abdul Majeed Khogyani, who chaired a meeting of the council in Maidan Shahr, said clashes between the two tribes had been prevented to a great extent in Daimirdad; however, he said that there were foreign hands behind the conflict. He also asked the security forces to prevent any clash before it happens.

Nonetheless, the lip service alone would not solve the issue. Kuchis should not be allowed to attack on the land, property and lives of the Hazaras. The problem needs to be solved once for all. The authorities, instead of using the situation for their political purposes must think about the lives of the people of Afghanistan. The government is responsible for providing justice to the people and must make sure that there is no discrimination in this regard, as it would deal havoc to national integrity and long-lasting harmony. All the people of Afghanistan deserve equal rights and must be considered equal in the eyes of law and justice and no one or group should be allowed to violate the law and use violence to achieve their aims.