Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Impact of TV Programs on Society

With the exception of National television channel (RTA), almost all the channels show things that are absolutely against our religious and cultural norms and standards. Most of the song clips (mostly filmed in foreign countries) show the open interaction of boys and girls or the girls shown in clothes that are absolutely out of the boundaries of our religious and cultural standards. In the beginning, such videos were very rare and thus showed once in a blue moon but lack of any control or promulgation of sensor rules gave them a free hand and now such inappropriate videos have become a necessary ingredient of every song.

On the other hand, increasing number of translated foreign dramas also accompany their side-effects. Usually these dramas are from societies where there is an open interaction between girls and boys and these dramas have been recorded in such a colorful and attractive manner that minds and thoughts of our youth are greatly affected by them and thus they learn more and more about such interactions which are totally indigestible in our society. These foreign dramas depict a society that has the set of values that has nothing to do with ours and thus they are playing a very drastic role in inducing such values or set of beliefs in our society as well.

This has also very negative effect on the minds of youth. There were times when youth did not know about things that are not considered well according to our religious and cultural beliefs but due to the continuous and increasing exposure to such TV dramas and songs, they have also got much acquainted with such things.

In long run, they might work to harm the moral values of our youth and thus our society might also become a picture of vulgarity and uncontrollable freedom. This condition would cost us all of our values and religious beliefs that have effectively functioned to keep the society within the bounds of sanctity and moral purification.

If such videos, songs and dramas were left unchecked and they were not properly controlled, it is feared that this worsening trend might give way to such videos or movies that would even deteriorate our moral and spiritual beliefs. It is hoped that concerned ministry in this regard would show much vigilance and keep a tight control on such factors that are polluting the minds of our youth and blackening the face of our society. Any kind of ignorance or inefficiency would cost us a lot and would never be pardoned by the history.