Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Afghans Awaiting Result Declaration

April 6th turned a historic day for Afghans that granted them with the chance to elect their political leader. Out of estimated 30 million Afghan populations, nearly 7million population exercised their democratic right to vote. The election resulted in large number of voter turnout that earned fame for the war-torn country and wide appreciation from across the world. Millions of politically motivated Afghans thronged at thousands of polling centers across the country to cast their ballot in the country’s third presidential elections, which is worth praising. According to Afghanistan Independent Election Commission (IEC) fifty percent plus out of 13 million eligible voters, including 35% women, franchised, despite alarming security challenges.

Subsequent to conduction of successful election the IEC is left with a gigantic undertaking to complete one of the world’s most difficult counting processes amidst serious fraud allegations. Afghans foreseeing broader change are now anxiously waiting the result announcement. The IEC reportedly has received about 3,000 complaints about poll fraud and a probe is under way. Lots of care must be exercised to do away with all ambiguities pertaining to making discretions whilst dealing with electoral irregularities. Particularly by making fair trail feasible, the trust installed on IEC must be maintained.

According to IEC schedule, April 24th is set as the date for announcement of preliminary results while the final results will be made public on May 14th after the formal settlement of all complaints. According to media sources two presidential hopefuls Dr. Ashraf Ghani and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah claim to be leading the race from the votes counted so far. Seeing none of the contestants could scores 50% plus votes, it is likely the two leading contenders Ghani and Abdullah go for second round run-off.

However, escalating security threat hardens the conduction of second round election, amongst leading contenders challenging if not restraining. Booming security concerns is suggestive of avoiding run-off for second time. Reportedly Kabul and some of its allies do not favor a second round and thinking of a possible rapprochement between the top two candidates for a coalition. Nevertheless, the two contenders favor re-polls instead of forming coalition. According to credible media sources the outgoing president too wants a coalition, to get eased with enormous tasks of re-poll.

The election has to do something with repealing the disgruntled fates of Afghans. Primarily making superficial distinction between one or the other contender might not distance harms or near riches but their policies and strategies will. It can be assessed by conduction of independent surveys; the ordinary Afghan’s needs are quiet realistic than presumptive. Afghans are in the pursuit of charismatic leader who could get the country out of countless challenges and socio-economic crisis and could put it on the refreshed avenues of long-lasting progress and matchless achievements.