Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Peaceful Political Transition Awaited

Afghanistan is convening economical declination, social degeneration and political chaos. The country is facing serious challenges of male-administration, ill-political priorities, disproportional balance and battered relation with the world and neighboring countries. The political and socio-economic problems barring Afghanistan’s collective progress, could be gotten rid of, given the charisma of the forthcoming elected political leader work.

After completion of first round of election Afghanistan has entered into second round counting and final declaration of result. The Independent Election Commission (IEC) undertook a democratic endeavor that earned fame and appreciation across the world. The degree of trust and confidence installed on the democratic setup heightens with every advancing year. The overwhelming participation of throng of people, exercising the right to vote was seeable and praiseworthy, provided the insecurity alarms couldn’t deter them casting their ballot.

There are many malicious practices; one being the irreversibly growing favoritism and nepotism that undermines merit and aptitude. According to credible media sources ethnic basis served primary factor behind inspiration that attracted voters than policies and national priorities each candidate promulgated. The demographic study of Afghanistan depicts that ethnic divide till date is deeply rooted; the rulers mostly pursuing self created motives turned a blind eye to the concerns of the rest of population of Afghanistan that strengthened the sense of wretchedness and haplessness. Consequently a sense of deep deprivation garnered that can be done away with exercising national and goal oriented politics. The war torn country is in dire need of cohesive policies that could bind the diverse faction of society. The politics of segregation must be put an end to, instead centripetal endeavors should be carried forth with great appreciation.

Subsequent to installation of democratic setup a change was witnessed, likely a shift was expected in political undertakings from ethno-centric to issue centric. Regretfully with more or less intensity politics based on nepotism and favoritism is practiced indicative of distracted priorities. In election the things of worth seeing was ethnically motivated ballot that has little to avert our fates.

In contrary to concerns of political pundits, the election is regarded a turning point in the history of war-torn Afghanistan carrying enormous riches and uncertainties alike. It must be imbibed, the politicians tending to be leaders are left to drag the country out of multiple crises at the end of day. Acceptably asserting that subsequent to decades of war and instability, a peaceful transition of power in 2014 could portend a more hopeful future for Afghanistan. It is to be believed this election is a way out of Afghanistan’s current political chaos.