Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Weaponry Support Fuel Syrian’s Tragedy

The Tragedy of Syria has fallen out of the headlines and occupies no single corner of international talks. The only thing that makes Syrians to feel that they are not forgotten is pouring of weapons to their country in order to help deepen the crisis and further the extent of destruction. Presently, Crimea peninsula and Eastern Ukraine are everything that international community is focusing on. Death of a single individual on this soil triggers huge criticisms and the world leaders become obsessed with it.

But Syria has got out of the diplomatic agenda. It seems that this country and bloodshed everyday here is of no importance for international community anymore. More than 150,000 people have been killed since the start of reprisal in 2011. Syria from a strong Arab nation has changed into a weak nation and its citizens set eyes on the charities to fill the stomach of their family members. Millions have been forced to migrate to neighboring countries where they will soon change into second and third rate residents who are entitled to nothing except hunger and humiliation.

Despite knowing all that, government and oppositions are happy for receiving technical, weaponry and financial support from different countries. No doubt, those supports instead of resolving the country’s problem will deteriorate. Government supporters would not give up the stand of keeping Mr. President Assad on power. Even if it proves too costly and weighs over their interests they are looking after, they wouldn’t give up due to animosity with oppositions.

The situation is far worse on the other side. Based on credible sources, there are hundreds of rebellion groups who exercise power in one part of the country and do not follow the orders of larger groups. However, the western countries are looking to support a much modernized groups but that also would not help in resolving the country’s tragedies. On Tuesday, April 15, a rebel group by the name of Hazm which is said to be part of Free Syrian Army confirmed receiving 20 US-made TOW anti-tank missiles. AFP Newspaper quoted from the same source that more missiles were promised if the donated ones used effectively.

But all know that such deliveries would solve the problem. They only deteriorate the situation, creating power balance. Without pressure from international community and cooperation between supporters and opposition of the government, the civil war will continue and change Syria into another war-torn country.