Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

What will the Politicians do?

After the announcement of partial result of 6th April presidential election, people are impatiently waiting for the announcement of full result of election; while some are worried about possible frauds that may take place during entering of data into computer system. No doubt, all votes have been already counted at local levels and all polling centers under the very eyes of Afghan and foreign observers. Despite reports about frauds in particular areas, the level of transparency was convincing. Even foreign observers who visited various polling stations confirmed the way it was held. If not exaggerated, transparency was to a level that seemed far better than countries which have experience of democracy and elections for decades.

The level of participation and impartiality of government employees sparked hope for a better future. Several heads of states and chiefs of the organizations congratulated Afghans for what they did on 6thApril. Before the election, even the most optimist figures also voiced out worries about the insecurity and systematic fraud that may take place to favor of particular candidates. But ruling Afghan officials proved to people that they may not spoil the country for their own personal interests.

Likewise, the high turnout of people displayed that people are tired of continuous violence and instability. They proved that they do not approve any violent means for achieving their goals. But they have reached to a level of political consciousness to reject groups like Taliban for whom the idea of people is not worth at all. They proved to the world, particularly to international allies, that propaganda against them that Afghans are not ready to embrace a modernized political system is wrong. If they get the chance, they will not miss it rather use it in the most appropriate manner. Armed opposition learned a historical lesson. They learned that a tremendous change happened at the ground level while they were busy getting suicide trainings somewhere in or outside of the country. Even in the most restive regions like Helmand and Kandahar, people inked their finger in rejection of Taliban threats and warning.

Meanwhile it is not clear how Afghan politicians consider such a brave move of civilians. Will they pay worth to decision of people and accept the result of election? Or they will just ruin everything for their personal interests as the political history shows? But they should understand that now everything is up to them. People have done their share for their country. It is the turn of politicians to give up their personal interests and help the country move on its right track.