Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Complicit Silence Over ill-treatments of Afghans in Iran

Inflicting a harsh treatment to the children by their parents on minor ill-conduct is deemed an illegitimate act. Correspondingly a state plays an identical role towards its citizens. Considering state a merciful parent, the citizens reserve the right to seek a gentle treatment upon inadvertent violation of the set rules. Despite of the state owing, unanimous distinction of mother, the non-provision of exoneration for minor misdeeds seems inexplicable and odd. The infliction of punishment without considering the humanly reasons behind some minor violations of law is deliberate refutation of sanctity of supreme creature. It should never be deemed equivalent to abandonment of punishment by all means but just capital punishment.

It is to be accepted that man by instinct is innocent. A man with ill-deed must have encountered inconsequential circumstances that might have coerced him do that. There are numerous societal factors pressing man opt illicit means to formulate the way to make ends meet. The government, instead of interrogating the reasons that coerced him, turns wild advertently inflicts capital punishment which does not sound a justifiable act.

It is widely accepted discourse that crime cannot be put an end to, unless the root causes serving the criminal activity is stopped. Identically this can be imbibed as the mass murder of terrorists never ceases terrorism given the motivational factors behind the movements are sued and eradicated. Identically, the dispensation of capital punishment may not necessarily end crime and criminals, particularly if they are found to be foreigners. However, finding a proper remedy to it will.

The persistent state of insecurity, unemployment is forcing large number of Afghanis to move foreign countries in the search for better livelihood. Iran is one of such of country hosting large number of Afghanis. Reportedly Afghanis are suffering ill-treatment in the said country. Many are on death row on flawed accusation of criminal activities. According to credible media sources, formerly Iran executed half a dozen of Afghans on death row who belonged to northeastern Takhar province and had gone to the neighboring country in search of work. There are another seven in the death row waiting their fate. Priory numerous such cases are surfaced with or without concern of government. The issue must have been raised on diplomatic level. Conversely the Afghan government with exception of receiving corps has done nothing satisfactory.

This is one of such case that surfaced on the media; there are several cases that go unreported. Admittedly the Afghan government might have never raised the issue with Irani counterpart on diplomatic or political level. On this very ground the political leadership is accusable for doing nothing to rescue Afghan citizens on the death row in Iran.