Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Youth Await Proper Attention

The young people con­stitute a large force. They are energetic, enthusiastic and full of zeal. It is a great national wear and tear if these energetic hands and brains are not provided with some sort of work to meet the needs of the nation. What is needed is that they should be taken into confidence and given a direction — some constructive work. This massive manpower can do wonders provided its enthu­siasm is harnessed for development work. Afghanistan is a country with a large population of about 30 million. According to credible data those between the ages of 15 to 35 form more than 50 percent ‘of the total population counted as the youth. These comprise students, employees, workers, farmers and persons from various professions including large number of unemployed uneducated or otherwise.

Afghanistan youth have never lagged behind when called upon to meet a challenge. It is for the national leaders to play their part by mobilizing their abilities and providing them with a direction instead of letting them at the reach of extremist elements.

Unfortunately a large number of them are without any direction. In addition the bad governance and meager services delivered by the incumbent government would increase their frustration – increasing the chances of their manipulation by anti-state elements.

There can be a large number of schemes, projects and programs wherein their total involvement will bring quicker and better results. They can play a pivotal role in the socio-economic regeneration of the society. There are many evil practices in our society. If the youth is associated in a drive against these practices, the results may be much more satisfactory. There may be schemes connected with the raising of the level of production in agriculture. The youth may be assigned the job of dissemination of knowledge for better farming, new techniques and proper use of fertilizers and pesticides. What is required is that they may be given adequate training in these tasks. In a drive against economic offences, their energy may be used in molding public opinion in favor of eradication and prevention of such offences. The youth may work successfully as an arm of the administration in the implementation of governmental programs aimed at fighting against these and other maladies.

Another field wherein their energy may be gainfully employed is the task of adult education and universalisation of education. Being given a little dose of incentive encouragement and support, they may take over the great responsibility of fulfilling the targets fixed by the government. However, in order for continuous success to take place; it is the Government’s responsibility to provide the youth with proper facilities for, getting equipped with the knowledge of the modern era.