Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Democratic Values must be Valued

Democracy is successful in a country where the democratic values and behavior get inculcated through experience and emphasis. The more people adopt a democratic attitude, the more it is probable that the system would flourish. Therefore, the leaders in a democratic system just don’t have to be theoretical politicians but they have to practice it in a very practical manner and must lead as examples for others to follow.

Talking about democracy and favoring it in talks would never solve the issue. The history of the successful democratic states shows that they have adopted the system through decades of practice and practical measures. Actions have made them triumph in achieving great democracies, while the promises alone have never lent a hand in the process. They have not only taken the political measures to move towards democracy but at the same tame paved its way through cultural and behavioral reforms and evolution. Their leaders have practiced democracy from their parliaments to their everyday lives, that’s why it has become a part of their routine.

If Afghanistan wants to achieve true democracy, it has to strive to bring cultural and behavioral reforms. The democratic leaders must depict to the people what a democratic attitude is and how can it support the people in welcoming democracy with open arms. Definitely, for achieving democracy there is no shortcut, it is a long process that involves a lengthy history of elections and healthy political institutions; however, elections alone would never form a strong democracy.  The important factor is how elections are held and how leaders and people respond to them. There are nations that learn so many things in only a few elections and there are many others that go through several of them without gaining something worthwhile in their journey towards democracy.

Afghanistan’s presidential elections showed that Afghans have showed the eagerness to learn the attitude of democracy but they need to go a long way yet. What would be the final result of the elections and how the leaders and people respond to it would definitely decide whether they will be able to keep moving in that direction or they would want to adopt the other way, which leads towards disorder and chaos. Hopefully, Afghans would adopt the way towards democracy and keep on evolving in that direction as it, alone, would guarantee their betterment and prosperity.